Kaleidoscope 2024, a deep dive into art, colour, worldy wonders and the human spirit.

14 June 2024

By Saskia van Drunen

I’ve been invited to teach this year by Tamara Laporte from Willowing Arts on the wonderful course Kaleidoscope!

“Kaleidoscope” is a mixed media art course with a focus on colour theory, worldly wonders & the human spirit.

And Tamara is joined by me and 14 popular mixed media art teachers who will all share beautiful art lessons with you, inspired by the world and its people, and we will also dive deep into colour theory. The teachers will share their hints and tips on how they developed their understanding of colour and how YOU TOO can become a colour expert as an artist resulting in you creating some amazing paintings!

I’m really excited about this course, that Tamara ran for the first time in 2020 and it was such a great success that she wanted to run it again! Do you want to dive deeply into the world of colour, worldly wonders and the human spirit? Then this course might be for you! For this course we plan to cover the ins and outs of colour in all its glory. We’ll make art, explore colour theory in depth, learn how to use colour effectively while at the same time creating beautiful paintings and learning about the beauty of the world and the amazing humans that live in it.

When you join Kaleidoscope, you also get life long (and downloadable) access to all the content from the free taster week! The taster week includes 17+ fun art taster sessions from all the art teachers who will teach on this course!


To introduce you to the course & the teachers, and just to have fun too!, Tam
is running a free taster week!

If you want to learn more about this exciting new course and enjoy a free week of introductory classes, extra gifts and give-aways, then make sure you join the Kaleidoscope Taster Week by clicking here.

The Taster Week will start on 17th June 2024 so mark your calendars, I hope to see you there!


This course will run for 4 months. Class starts on August 1st and ends at the end of November 2024. This course involves 16 incredible artists and teachers from the mixed media art community.

Each teacher shares 1 in depth art lesson that has a focus on a fictional or non-fictional inspiring person or worldly wonder and a specific colour scheme. Each teacher also provides a bonus session in which they talk about colour theory, how they use colour in their work and what their struggles with colour are.

Each month, we will publish 3 or 4 main mixed media art lessons as well in depth colour theory lessons by your host, Tamara Laporte. These overarching colour theory lessons will support the rest of the course.

You’ll be able to:

  • Download all class materials to your machine, keep them forever
  • Gain life long access!
  • Learn many new mixed media techniques
  • Create beautiful paintings inspired by inspiring people and worldly wonders
  • Deepen your understanding of and learn more about colour & colour theory
  • Work from the comfort of your own home
  • Access to your own private class room
  • Access to a private (secret) Facebook Group
  • Connect with like-minded creative people
  • Make new creative connections
  • Become part of a buzzing/ thriving art community for 4 whole months!

Registration formally opens on June 24th, but you CAN pre-order the course now, if you’re already saying ‘YES’.

Hop on over here! And be sure to use the Early Bird Coupon Code to get 30% off! Use: WONDER30 at the checkout!


Yayoi kusama, colourful and fierce

In my taster lesson I will be working with the inspiring Japanese American artist Yayoi Kusami and her love for polka dots. The triadic colour scheme in which we will be working is typical of her work. I hope you will enjoy this lesson as much as I loved creating it!

Art lesson by Saskia van Drunen for Kaleidoscope art course

Aletta Jacobs, defender of women’s rights

For my main lesson I’m inspired by Aletta Jacobs, who was Dutch physician and women’s suffrage activist. As the first woman officially to attend a Dutch university, she became one of the first female physicians in the Netherlands. In 1882, she founded the world’s first birth control clinic and was a leader in both the Dutch and international women’s movements. She led campaigns aimed at deregulating prostitution, improving women’s working conditions, promoting peace and calling for women’s right to vote.

We will be working in an analogous colour scheme and I will show you how to create an expressive and intuitive background and how to draw and paint a portrait that blends with the background.

See you in class!!!

Much love,



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